- solepiece
- лежень; нижний опорный брус обвязки
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary. 2014.
solepiece — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: sole (I) + piece 1. : a timber or girder laid on the ground to take and distribute the thrust of an upright or strut : the floor member of a frame 2. a. : a piece on the bottom of the rudder of a wooden ship designed to … Useful english dictionary
soleplate — /sohl playt /, n. Carpentry. a plate upon which studding is erected. Also called shoe, sole, solepiece /sohl pees /. [1835 45; SOLE2 + PLATE1] * * * … Universalium
soleplate — noun a) The flat metal plate forming the underside of an iron (for ironing laundry) b) A solepiece (timber) … Wiktionary
sole tree — noun Etymology: sole (I) : a solepiece used in a mine (as for timbering headings) … Useful english dictionary
stern frame — noun 1. : the timbers in a wooden vessel constituting the upper part of stern or counter 2. : the forging or casting in a steel ship including in one piece the propeller post with boss, the sternpost with gudgeons, and the arch and solepiece * *… … Useful english dictionary